hulaa. lagi pekan ujain praktik nicch di sekolah gue ehehe. di sekolah gue itu ujian praktik diadain sekitar 2 mingguan, dengan jadwal kayak anak kuliahan gitu, jadi ada yang mulai jam 9, ada yang jam 7, ada yang jam 1 dlsb. gue udah memasuki minggu ke dua ujian praktik (huh hah wish me luck yap) dan minggu terakhir inilah yang ujiannya agak2 berat, soalnya pelajaran eksak semua kumpul di minggu ini. untuk kelompok bahasa, cuma bahasa inggris doang yang diadain diminggu terakhir ini. untuk bahasa inggris, kita ngambil undian dan disitu ada tulisan Recount, Descriptive, Procedure, Hortatory Exposition, dll dan itulah yang bakal jadi tema ujiannya. kita bikin teksnya dan temanya harus beda2. gue dapet Descriptive dan gue memutuskan untuk ngebahas tentang taman gantung di babylonia (tau kaaan). udah selesai sih, udah direvisi jg, tinggal dihafalin dan dilaksanain aja ujiannya. dan alva dapet recount gitu terus dia belom bikin (padahal ujiannya senin gila kan nih orang) trs akhirnya dia minjem laptop gue buat ngerjain disekolah kemarin habis baca berita. dan dia nulis tentang jalan2 ke ITB sm beberapa anak ipa 5 termasuk gue. skrg gue jg mau nyeritain tentang itu tp gue bikin recount (ahahaha bahasanya ga begitu bener nih kayaknya dan gue gabakal pake structurenya jg maaf ya) so, here we are.
at 10th of October 2010 me and my friends made an appointment to go to ITB Art Festival. there were Agam Ibun Alva Sam Winny Jiwika and Riri, we went there by Agam's car. i brought my netbook and dvd plugin because winny asked me to watch dvd together, and jiwi brought her camera to took some photos with us :D
i went to the appointment place (7-11 Mahakam) with jiwika and her mother and sister, and we made it at about 8 am, but nobody's there. where the hell is the others... a couple of minutes then, riri arrived, so here we are waiting for the 5 others. after a long waiting and waiting, alva and sam arrived too and so there were agam and ibun who hasnt here. we made a call and tell them we're waiting so please hurry up 'cause we dont wanna take the traffic there and we already know its going to be a superrrrrr-traffic day, then.. THEY ASKED US TO GO TO AGAM'S HOUSE OHHH NO THANKS i feel fine being here, after a long chat and the guys being pretty mad at them (ahaha that twins) they finally came. we bought some snacks at 7-11 and we finally reach the highway to Bandung at about 11 am. crap.. i think this is going to be a long journey.....
in our trip, we play some energetic songs to make us stay awake and chit chatting together. and sam, who always sleep everywhere, were promised to stay awake and we take his word so we're dealing that if he sleep wherever we are, we will throw him out of the car and bye, the rest of us will go straight to bandung. and.. for a couple of minutes, he was sleeping and we reminds him about the deal then he woke up and stay awake for the rest of the trip. i felt so sleepy, and so i sleep. jiwi and riri felt the way i did and so they slept too, alva was sleeping too, and.. agam ibun were stay awake 'cause agam's driving and ibun's the navigator, sam, who was lonely, want to sleep but cant do, then he stay awake hahahaha.
at about 2 o clock, we finally arrived at Bandung. we can feel the air, it's cold and fresh, so different with Jakarta. we were just arrived at Bandung and going to took the public way, but we can saw the traffic there. oh. its.. trafficing here T_T i think i have to go for now so im gonna postpond this. see a next post :3
The Great Outdoors فيلم بالعربية ترجمة اكتمال 1988 شباك التذاكر vip
فThe Great Outdoors 1988 مترجم كامل للفيلم الكامل The Great Outdoors فيلم
دي في دي يتدفق عبر الإنترنت عالي الدقة كامل بوكس أوفيس 1080p 1988 4k بث
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