

hi blog. just wanna see if you fine. i need someone to talk, but people seems very busy with their own business, so i wont bother. im gonna face the practical exam in the next 20 hours, wish me luck :) but first i'll do my 4th try out national exam at school. creepy isnt it?:| thank god the practical exam will start on tuesday for my class (XII IPA 5) and the schedule after try out tomorrow is... sleep :/ huahah *youwish* i think im going to prepare the materials for my practical exam such as Indonesian, English, Germany, and others. fuuh, i wish this things over, SOON! amin. err i actually just feeling so weird these days, and its.... bothering. i dont know whats happening but, i feel so different. i dont feel like i used to. i think i get depressed with the schoolthings, and i dont like it T-T hwaa. wish everything will get the best in the end, amin. now im going to finish the materials, so byebye.

ps.->> sorry for the bad english, :9