well, this is my second part of my Bandung experience. here we go
so, we were facing the traffic here. and... B is dominating the crowd. how nice its all Jakarta's. huh hah, we finally could pass the traffic and arrive at ITB. we parked around itb, and the cars were still stuck there. congratulation:')
we walked in and saw some art thing on our way to the art fest, i saw a van with flower design but when i looked into it, i can see a tomb.. complete with a headstone on it :"""") me and the girls were successfully ran faraway from the van and the boys were laughing at us. hiksss..
when we walked, i can hear a huge noises of music, and voice of the crowd. ok, im sick with these crowdie thing, (but i still walked in huahaha) then we're hungry so we look for some food. but.. we got nothing and we decided to eat later. then we took a look at the bazaar.
when the girls were busy on the bazaar thing, boys were resting around the bazaar corner, and they were sitting on the grass and played some game at sam's iTouch. me and the girls were too busy with the bazaar (there were so much cute thing there and we walk around there for about 2 times huahaha) that we forgot about the boys. when we were going to the place where they were previously resting but we dont find anybody. then we met agam in the crowd and he said that we were in the bazaar for about 1 or 2 hour. EHEHE...... ok ok then we go out and decided to eat something, all of us were starving.
we leave at about 5 pm, whoaa the traffic were still there T_T and we trapped stuck there, again. we dont wanna waste our time so we decided to eat at the rest area, and we want to reach rest area soon, before its going to be late night and we promised to present at school on monday so we have to go home hurry. then after the blablablas and traffic thing and all of those silly laugh, we arrived jakarta. agam drove us home one by one, and so its the ending of my story :') srry for the bad grammar, im not a bule with a good english. haha
btw minggu bokap gue ngjk gue hunting gt nih sm klub alalala gatau apa, trs gue kira kan cm gt gt doang jd gue iyain aja, taunya kyknya hunting serius gt, ada modelnya dan bayar 100rebong, terus dibagi pertim lalala gt deh gangerti. yaudah kan gue msh stay cool pas dia blg gt, *padahal dalem hati rada kicep* trs dia cerita gt banyak anak sma jg, tp udah make kamera pro macem d3 gt gt (bapaknya gila kalii ye ngsh2 kamera begituan ke anak seumur gue) lah gua.... pake d90 aja allahumma antasalam dulu, gmn dong nih T-T takut malu2in, lagian kan gw bukan yg jago2 dan hasilnya bagus2 amat gt. kl gw pura2 demam pas minggu gmn ya? HAHAA... *superminder nich.. huhuns* yg gw tau aja cuma kalo Fnya tinggi itu jd gelap kalo iso tinggi jd terang. apa kebalik? auamat deh ketek cumi
A Letter for My Past Self
*To my past self,*
I am currently 27 years old, not the same old me who wrote this blog more
than 10 years ago. I learned a lot. A lot of it was not fun.